Sat 21-September-2024

IOA to displace Jerusalemite family to build school for settlers

Thursday 14-October-2021

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Wednesday ordered a Jerusalemite citizen to evacuate his home and land in the holy city neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah as a prelude to seizing the property to carry out a settler project.

According to local sources the Israeli municipality gave Mahmoud Salhya until Thursday October 14 to evacuate his home in order to demolish it and build a school for Jewish settlers in its place.

Salhya affirmed that he owns papers proving his ownership of the six dunums of land his house was built on adding that the IOA had decided two years ago to appropriate his land at the pretext of using it to carry out a public project.

In another incident Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday demolished a Palestinian two-story house in Qalansuwa City in 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel) at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Local sources said that the house belonged to the family of Qashqush and was under construction.

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