Thu 24-October-2024

IOF Jewish settlers attack Palestinians in al-Khalil Nablus

Thursday 13-October-2022

Scores of Palestinians suffered breathing problems on Thursday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired tear gas bombs in several areas north of the West Bank city of al-Khalil.

IOF soldiers fired tear gas bombs and stun grenades at Palestinian citizens who participated in the funeral procession of the martyr Usama Adawi in al-Arroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil causing breathing problems to dozens of citizens.

Meanwhile Israeli soldiers who are stationed in a military watchtower at the entrance of Beit Ummar town north of al-Khalil fired tear gas bombs at the Palestinian homes in the town.

In a related development the IOF arrested six Palestinian boys in addition to attacking Palestinian citizens in the Huwara town south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Moreover Jewish settlers protected by Israeli soldiers torched three trucks and started a fire in a park in Huwara town and attacked the Civil Defense firefighting truck that arrived at the scene to extinguish the flames.

Furthermore settlers attacked Palestinian property breaking the storefront windows of 15 stores and 20 vehicles at the main street of Huwara in addition to attacking 6 houses in the town.

Earlier today Jewish settlers from the illegal settlement of Elon Moreh attacked Palestinian citizens in the village of Azmut east of Nablus while they were picking olives according to Ghassan Douglas who is in charge of settlements file in the northern part of the West Bank.

666000 settlers live in 145 settlements and 140 settlement outposts established in West Bank and Jerusalem according to the Israeli movement Peace Now.

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