Mon 16-September-2024

IOF atrocities in Gaza retract but offensives on West Bank escalate

Saturday 9-December-2006

Gaza- A fresh report issued by the Gaza-based Palestinian human rights center revealed that IOF troops’ atrocities in Gaza Strip had noticeably declined; but aggressions on the West Bank intensified.

The center attributed the reduction in the IOF troops’ hostilities against Gaza Strip to the two-week-long fragile truce that the Israeli occupation government was forced to accept after realizing that military invasion will not thwart home-made Palestinian rockets from hitting Israeli Sderot settlement and other colonies near the Strip.

But the report added frequency of IOF troops’ atrocities in the West Bank increased as evident by the persistent IOF incursions and storming operation across its various areas.

According to the report four Palestinian citizens including two children were killed and 13 others including seven children were wounded in the West Bank during the first week of this month in addition to 117 Palestinians including five children and a woman were rounded up at the hands of those troops within the same period.

More hostile attacks were carried out at the hands of armed Israeli settlers who attacked Palestinian citizens and wreaked havoc in their farms and pastures.

Gaza Strip remained sealed off by the IOF troops for the sixth successive months turning it into a big jail for 1.4 million Palestinians the report noted adding that crossing points around Gaza Strip including Rafah terminal were rarely opened and for a very short time.

The presence of Israeli navy boats patrolling the Gaza coast blocked hundreds of Palestinian fishermen from going to sea seeking sustenance for their families on fears of being targeted by the Israeli gunboats.

The report also published a number of Israeli violations in the occupied city of Jerusalem including denying Palestinian citizens’ access into the Aqsa Mosque among other wrongdoings that flagrantly violate international laws and conventions on freedom of worship.

However Palestinian resistance factions apparently determined to resist the Israeli occupation succeeded in detonating two planted bombs in IOF patrols and vehicles in Nablus city Friday.

PIC correspondent in the city quoted local eyewitnesses as saying that a strong explosion was heard at the Zawata road west of the city when Palestinian fighters detonated the two bombs in two IOF military vehicles.

Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades the armed wing of the PFLP claimed responsibility for the attack.

Hebrew radio quoted an IOF spokesman as acknowledging both attacks; but he alleged that no casualties were reported in the lines of the IOF troops.

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