Sat 21-September-2024

IOF delivers stop-work orders against Palestinian property in JV

Monday 4-July-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed Khirbet Humsa at-Tahta in the northern Jordan Valley and handed Palestinian citizens stop-work orders against homes and structures belonging to them at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Local official Aref Daraghmeh said that six families in the hamlet received stop-work orders against 30 homes and structures adding that the IOF also photographed other homes and structures whose owners had been notified of a similar measure during previous years.

Daraghmeh also said that the IOF stormed in the morning Khirbet Humsa al-Fuqa in the same area and forced all the local residents to leave their homes as a prelude to carrying out military drills near their hamlet.

He pointed out that the IOF ordered the villagers to stay away from their homes during the exercises which would continue until next Thursday.

In a separate incident Israeli bulldozers demolished in the morning several Palestinian-owned agricultural structures in Arab al-Heib village near Nazareth City in the Lower Galilee.

Earlier at dawn the Israeli authorities razed a wedding hall belonging to a Palestinian citizen in Qalansuwa City in the central district of Israel (1948 occupied Palestine).

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