Sat 21-September-2024

IOF demolishes a mosque in Qalqilya

Tuesday 24-May-2022

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) demolished the Al-Samoud Mosque in the Arab Al-Ramadin residential community located behind the separation wall in Qalqilya on Tuesday morning

The citizens confronted the demolition process triggering clashes with the IOF soldiers who fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters; as a result many civilians were injured and suffered breathing problems.

The mosque serves hundreds of nursery owners who work behind the wall and the more than 350 members of the southern Ramadin community who live on an area of more than 100 acres.

The IOF had earlier notified the community of the mosque’s demolition claiming that it was not licensed and that it disturbed the settlers.

Palestinian MP Basem Zaarir had previously lashed out at the audacity of the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) which demolishes desecrates mosques at will without any consideration to the sanctity of those sites.

Zaarir said that the IOA wants a land devoid of any construction as it wants a land without people mosques or homes.

The IOA deprives the Arab Al-Ramadin community residents of the most basic necessities of life such as electricity water or even infrastructure as for education they depend on schools in the neighboring communities.

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