Thu 19-September-2024

IOF demolition of structures in Area C causes great losses to the EU

Friday 6-January-2017

The European Union (EU) has estimated the losses caused by the Israeli policy of demolishing Palestinian homes in Area C at 242725 Euros over just the six past months. There is a remarkable and unprecedented increase in the number of demolition orders.

A report by the EU showed that the financial losses formed 2.4% of the annual humanitarian aid in the West Bank (in comparison with 1.32% in 2015 and 0.58% in 2014).

The EU warned of the seriousness of the escalation of demolition operations in 2017 saying that the policy of razing Palestinian homes targets the weak people who are threatened with forcible deportation in southern al-Khalil Jordan Valley and the Eastern area (E1) in Occupied Jerusalem.

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