Thu 4-July-2024

IOF kidnaps 10 Palestinians in West Bank sweeps

Tuesday 11-August-2020

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Tuesday launched large-scale home raids and arrested a number of Palestinian citizens in different West Bank areas.

Local sources said that the IOF abducted at least 10 Palestinian citizens including a man his wife and two children from their homes in the West Bank districts of Ramallah Bethlehem Qalqilya and al-Khalil.

In Ramallah the IOF stormed Beitunia town broke into the house of the Hamas leader Hasan Yousef and handed him an order to appear before the Israel Intelligence Service for interrogation.

Yousef was released from Israeli jails on 23 July after 15 months of administrative detention (without charge or trial).

There are about 4700 Palestinians languishing in Israeli jails including 41 female detainees 160 children and 365 prisoners held without charge or trial.

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