Thu 24-October-2024

IOF kidnaps Palestinian kid from Fawwar refugee camp

Saturday 5-March-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) last night kidnaped a Palestinian child at the main entrance of al-Fawwar refugee camp south of al-Khalil.

According to local sources soldiers stationed at the entrance of the camp kidnaped 13-year-old Qaseem al-Hamuz.

In a related context a noted human rights group has submitted a petition to an Israeli court to stop Israeli forces from kidnaping Palestinian minors from their homes at night and taking them for interrogation.

The HaMoked Center for the Defense of the Individual — a rights group based in east Jerusalem — filed a petition with the Israeli high court of justice against the Israeli army’s systematic use of night arrests of Palestinian minors.

Its petition calls for putting an end to night arrests and allowing Palestinian families to accompany their kids during interrogation.

HaMoked also affirmed that the arrest of minors with handcuffs and blindfolds causes shock for them and their relatives.

According to HaMoked from September to December 2021 34 Palestinian minors were arrested in the West Bank with only six summoned for interrogation accompanied by relatives.

“It should be the last option for a soldier to invade a family home in the middle of the night and drag a teenage boy from his bed as the military should exhaust all possible ways to bring someone in for questioning before they engage in this very traumatic practice for the kid who is being detained and for the whole family” Jessica Montell director general of HaMoked said.

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