Thu 4-July-2024

IOF launches arrest campaign in West Bank areas

Wednesday 16-September-2020

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched a campaign of raids and arrests in various West Bank areas at night Tuesday and at dawn Wednesday.

In Bethlehem IOF arrested on Wednesday five citizens from different areas after they raided and searched the homes of their relatives.

According to local sources IOF arrested Murad Jihad Taqatqa from Umm Salamuna village and Mu’taz al-Sheikh and Muhannad al-Sheikh from Marah Rabah village after they broke into and searched their family homes.

The sources added that IOF soldiers stormed the Abu Freiha valley in Beit Sahour city east of Bethlehem and raided and searched homes of citizens and arrested two citizens.

The Prisoners Society stated that IOF stormed Silat al-Dhahr in Jenin and arrested Asaad Amin Hantoli the mayor and Fahd Zaarour a released prisoner after they broke into their houses searched them and tampered with their contents.

An Israeli special force raided at night on Tuesday a petrol station in Burqin town west of Jenin and kidnapped the young man Muhammad Matahen from Jenin refugee camp after beating him.

In Nablus IOF arrested a young man Muhammad Judeh from Iraq Al-Tayeh east of the city after they stormed the eastern area of Beit Furik checkpoint.

IOF troops also tightened their measures on the roads outside the towns of Burin Madama and Asirah al-Qibliya to the south of Nablus.

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IOF launches arrest campaign in West Bank areas

Thursday 9-July-2020

Israelioccupation forces (IOF) launched a large-scale arrest campaign in various West Bankareas at dawn Thursday and late night Wednesday that included two Hamas leadersand a female university student.

Eyewitnessessaid that IOF soldiers arrested a 28-year-old youth in Qalqilya on Thursday morningafter breaking into his house and searching it.

Meanwhilelocals in Beitunia to the west of Ramallah city said that IOF troops rounded upa female student of Bir Zeit university a young man and Hamas leader HusseinAbu Kweik at dawn Thursday.

The soldiersalso detained another Hamas leader Jamal al-Tawil in Um al-Sharayetneighborhood in Ramallah city at dawn local sources said adding that violentconfrontations were reported in the same area later in the morning between IOFsoldiers and local youths.

In JeninIOF soldiers broke into a young man’s house in Maythaloun village to the southof Jenin city and searched it before taking him away.

In al-KhalilIOF raided homes in the city and in Sa’eer town and arrested two citizens eyewitnessesreported.

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