Mon 8-July-2024

IOF launches campaign of arrests in West Bank and Jerusalem

Monday 11-January-2021

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched raids on Sunday night and at dawn Monday in various parts of the West Bank and Jerusalem. IOF arrested several citizens and clashes broke out in Qabatiya town.

In Jenin IOF arrested four young men after raiding their families’ houses in the town of Qabatiya.

Local sources reported that clashes broke out between the Palestinian youths and the IOF soldiers who fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters. No injuries were reported.

On Sunday evening IOF stationed at the Container Checkpoint northeast of Bethlehem arrested Rabi Awad Kamil 18 from Qabatiya south of Jenin.

The IOF soldiers also arrested Muhammad Al-Douh after they broke into and searched his home in Jenin.

In Nablus IOF arrested Nayef Ghazal after storming Sebastia town north of the city while Ali Mansour was arrested after storming his house in Balata refugee camp.

In Ramallah the IOF soldiers stormed the Jalazon refugee camp and arrested Muhammad Safi Alaa Qassem and Muhammad Al-Jubeidi after raiding and searching their homes in the camp.

Muhammad Shejaiya was also arrested after breaking into and searching his house in the town of Deir Jarir east of Ramallah.

IOF also stormed Qalandia refugee camp and Birzeit town and roamed several streets in the two areas before withdrawing without any arrests reported.

In Bethlehem IOF handed Qusay Issa from Al-Khader town a summons for interrogation at the Israeli intelligence office in the Gush Etzion settlement complex in the south after they raided his family house in the Old City and searched it.

In Occupied Jerusalem the Israeli police arrested Osama Al-Fakhoury Abd Muhammad Derbas Saif Ubaid and Nasr Darwish after storming and searching their homes in Issawiya town.

The IOF soldiers launch daily search and arrest campaigns in the West Bank during which they raid homes destroy property and terrorize residents especially women and children.

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IOF launches campaign of arrests in West Bank and Jerusalem

Tuesday 1-December-2020

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched on Monday night and at dawn Tuesday a campaign of arrests of several Palestinians including students and released prisoners from various areas in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

In Nablus IOF stormed Balata refugee camp east of Nablus and arrested the ex-prisoner Moaz Kaabi from his home in the al-Kaabi neighborhood in the middle of the camp.

The IOF soldiers broke into Beit Dajan town east of Nablus and arrested the released prisoner Nidal Khalaf Al-Hajj Muhammad after they raided and searched his home in the town. Muhammad’s brother is sentenced to life imprisonment.

In Salfit IOF arrested Roudi Mazouz Yassin after storming and searching his house.

In Bethlehem clashes erupted between Palestinian youths and the IOF soldiers in the ancient Khirbet area in Tuqu’ southeast of Bethlehem.

In Occupied Jerusalem the Israeli police arrested Faisal Obeid from al-Issawiya town while he was passing by al-Zaeem checkpoint.

The Israeli police also arrested Fadi Othman Darwish and Ayman Tariq Sarandah from al-Issawiya in Occupied Jerusalem and the young man Nidal Siyam from his home in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood.

IOF arrested the student Montaser Barbar from Birzeit University. He is the son of the Jerusalemite prisoner Majd Barbar who is serving a 20-year prison sentence and will be released after several months.

The Jerusalemite student at Birzeit University Bakr Awais was arrested after IOF raided his home at dawn Monday.

The IOF soldiers continue their daily search and arrest campaigns and terrorize residents especially women and children. These campaigns are followed by confrontations with Palestinian youths.

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