Fri 20-September-2024

IOF notifies citizens to halt construction of 7 houses in Tulkarem

Tuesday 8-October-2013

TULKAREM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation forces notified on Tuesday citizens in the district of Shweikeh north of Tulkarem to stop the construction work in seven houses under the pretext of their proximity to the Israeli Apartheid wall built on the town lands since 2003.

The citizen Ayman Mahdawi owner of one of these houses told PIC’s correspondent: “I received this morning a notice to stop the construction of my house.” He said he has started building the house since 2010 and he was surprised by the decision of the occupation forces that claimed that his house will form a danger to the region.

The notifications include seven houses and come in an attempt to prevent the citizens from reaching their lands located behind the Apartheid wall.

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