Wed 18-September-2024

IOF prevents Palestinian farmers from picking olives north of Tulkarem

Wednesday 19-October-2022

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday prevented Palestinian farmers from Deir al-Ghusun town north of the West Bank city of Tulkarem from reaching their lands isolated by the separation wall.

Local sources reported that Palestinian farmers were shocked to find out that Israeli soldiers sealed off the gates in the section of the separation wall in the early morning hours under the pretext of the Jewish holidays.

“IOF soldiers closed the three gates installed along the separation wall to the west of the town denying the Palestinian farmers access to their olive groves isolated by the wall” the mayor of Deir al-Ghusun town Yazid al-Qab said in a press statement.

He added that the Israeli soldiers procrastinate on opening the gates and impose restrictions on the movement of Palestinians in addition to restricting entry for limited hours.

In a related development Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian and foreign activists who participated in an olive picking campaign near Kisan village east of the West Bank city of Bethlehem. A female foreign activist was injured after Jewish settlers beat her with sticks.

The wall effectively isolates 2400 dunums of fertile Palestinian-owned lands planted with olive trees in Tulkarem restricting the access of Palestinian farmers to their lands.

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