Fri 20-September-2024

IOF quells West Bank marches launched against US Jerusalem move

Wednesday 27-December-2017

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday quelled many Palestinian demonstrations in the West Bank protesting the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The IOF soldiers attacked a demonstration organized by national forces in Bethlehem with tear gas canisters arrested the anti-settlement activist Munther Abu Amira and assaulted a number of journalists.

A number of Palestinians chocked on tear gas in the clashes that erupted following the IOF quelling of a peaceful march in Halhul town to the north of al-Khalil city.

The IOF on Wednesday afternoon blocked the main entrance to al-Fawwar refugee camp to the south of al-Khalil city a measure that coincided with a search campaign targeting Palestinian citizens’ vehicles at al-Arroub camp’s entrance.

Meanwhile in Nablus many Palestinian women suffered tear gas inhalation and rubber bullet wounds after the IOF soldiers stationed at Huwara checkpoint attacked a women march protesting the US decision.

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