Sun 15-September-2024

IOF raids homes kidnaps several Palestinians in W. Bank and J’lem

Thursday 24-November-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped last night and at dawn Thursday a number of Palestinian citizens during raids in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to local sources Israeli police forces stormed Anata town in the northeast of Jerusalem and kidnaped a young man from his home.

The Israeli police also launched raids on many homes in Beit Iksa town in northern Jerusalem as part of a large-scale manhunt for the Palestinians responsible for Wednesday’s double bombing operation in the holy city.

In the West Bank the IOF stormed Khirbet Qalqas village and the towns of Dura and Beit Ummar in the south and north of al-Khalil province and kidnaped five citizens from their homes.

In Ramallah the IOF kidnaped one citizen from Qaddura refugee camp two others from Beit Rima town and four from al-Mughayyir village.

The IOF also stormed other areas of the West Bank including Azzun town in Qalqilya and Husan town in Bethlehem with no reported arrests.

Yesterday the IOF assaulted and kidnaped a Palestinian teenager in Karantina area in southern al-Khalil.

Police forces also launched raids on homes in different areas of Jerusalem on Wednesday evening and kidnaped a number of citizens including a young man from at-Tur town.

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IOF raids homes kidnaps several Palestinians in W. Bank and J’lem

Tuesday 15-February-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped several Palestinian citizens during campaigns at dawn Tuesday in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to local sources in the West Bank the IOF kidnaped senior Hamas official Abdul-Jabbar Jarrar from his home in Jenin City.

The IOF also kidnaped two young men from the family of Jarrar during the same campaign in the city.

Abdul-Jabbar Jarrar had been released on November 24 2021 after spending 12 months in administrative detention. He already spent a total of 15 years in different Israeli jails.

Violent clashes reportedly broke out with local youths during the IOF campaign in Jenin.

In Ramallah the IOF kidnaped a young man from his home in al-Am’ari refugee camp.

Two others were also taken prisoners during IOF raids on homes in Arura village in the northwest of Ramallah.

Another young man was kidnaped from his home in Sinjil town northeast of Ramallah.

In Bethlehem the IOF kidnaped four citizens including three teenagers during raids on homes in Beit Sahour town Husan village and Beit Fajjar town.

Another young man from the family of Asas in Bethlehem City received a summons for interrogation from the Shin Bet intelligence apparatus.

The IOF also stormed Askar refugee camp in Nablus and Kafr Qaddum village in Qalqilya and kidnaped two citizens from their homes.

Other areas in eastern Nablus were raided by the IOF with no reported arrests.

In al-Khalil the IOF kidnaped three teenagers from the family of Abu Eisha two of them brothers after ransacking their homes in Jabel Abu Rumman area.

In east Jerusalem Israeli police forces raided homes in the towns of Eizariya and Anata and kidnaped two young men from the families of Abu Ziyad and Aliyan.

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IOF raids homes kidnaps several Palestinians in W. Bank and J’lem

Wednesday 2-February-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raided homes and kidnaped at least eight citizens during campaigns at dawn Wednesday in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to local sources the IOF kidnaped 52-year-old Yaseen Hamed and two of his sons after ransacking his home in Silwad town in the northeast of Jerusalem.

The IOF already kidnaped one of his sons called Mohamed about a week ago. He has been detained in an intelligence interrogation center since then.

Meanwhile clashes broke out between local youths and Israeli soldiers after the latter stormed Kafr Ein village in the northwest of Ramallah.

In Tulkarem the IOF kidnaped an ex-detainee from the family of Ajjaj after raiding his home in Seida town.

In Bethlehem the IOF kidnaped a young man from his home in Za’tara town.

The IOF also stormed Kafr Ra’iee town in the southwest of Jenin and withdrew without making arrests.

However local sources said that resistance fighters opened fire at the troops upon their withdrawal from the town.

In al-Khalil one citizen was reportedly kidnaped from his home in the city.

In Jerusalem police forces kidnaped two young men from the holy city and Beit Annan town.

Last night police officers detained two Jerusalemite young men after savagely assaulting them in Bab al-Amud area in the Old City of Jerusalem.

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IOF raids homes kidnaps several Palestinians in W. Bank and J’lem

Thursday 15-July-2021

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) last night and at dawn Thursday raided homes and kidnaped several Palestinian citizens during campaigns in different areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to local sources the IOF kidnaped two young men identified as Hisham Shawkat and Mohamed Ahmed from their homes in Deir Qaddis village west of Ramallah.

In Bethlehem the IOF stormed the neighborhood of Wad Shahin in the city and the southern village of Marah Rabah and kidnaped two young men from their homes. They were identified as Anas al-Adem and Ibrahim ash-Sheikh.

Another citizen called Khaled Abu Sabha a resident of Yatta town in southern al-Khalil was reportedly taken prisoner by the Israeli intelligence at the Allenby (King Hussein) border crossing upon his return from Jordan.

Meanwhile the IOF stormed Yatta town in al-Khalil and searched several homes with no reported arrests.

The IOF also set up several makeshift checkpoints on main roads leading to al-Khalil City its town and refugee camps and embarked on intercepting cars for security check.

In Nablus the IOF raided the house of Sheikh Wa’el Hashash in the southern area of Balata refugee camp interrogated him and threatened to arrest him if he decided to run for any election in the coming months.

The IOF also stormed Beita town in southern Nablus patrolled its streets and searched some homes before withdrawing without making arrests.

In Jerusalem Israeli soldiers disguised as Arabs kidnaped last night three citizens from Silwan district south of the Aqsa Mosque.

According to the Wadi Hilweh Information Center plain-clothes soldiers assaulted and kidnaped three young men from Silwan.

There was no information about the detainees’ identities.

On Thursday morning police forces kidnaped a young man identified as Osama Rabie from his home in Abu Dis town southeast of Jerusalem.

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IOF raids homes kidnaps several Palestinians in W. Bank and J’lem

Monday 28-June-2021

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) last night and at dawn Monday ransacked homes kidnaped Palestinian citizens and assaulted a journalist during campaigns in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to local sources the IOF broke into and ransacked the house of journalist Mohamed Mona (ex-detainee) in Zawata town in Nablus assaulted him and his family and interrogated him about his work.

Mona who works for Snd News Agency said that Israeli soldiers broke open his house’s door wreaked havoc on the furniture during their search and physically assaulted him his pregnant wife and his children Hamza (9 years) and Abdul-Rahman (5 years).

He added that the soldiers rampaged through the house before an officer questioned him about his media work and his coverage of recent events in the West Bank.

The IOF also raided and ransacked the house of Atiya Mousa the father of prisoner Omar Mousa in Zawata town as well as the homes of his two sons and confiscated a sum of money from the house of his son Ahmed.

In Tulkarem the IOF stormed the city and Anabta town and kidnaped two young men from their homes. They were identified as Ihab Dariya and Ahmed Shahada.

The IOF also raided homes in Azzun town in Qalqilya Bireh City and al-Jalazon refugee camp in northern Ramallah and kidnaped three citizens from their homes.

In al-Khalil the IOF kidnaped a citizen called Anas al-Marwani during his presence near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City.

The IOF also raided several homes in Idhna town west of al-Khalil and a workshop belonging to a citizen from the family of ash-Sharbati in al-Khalil City.

In Jerusalem four young men were taken prisoners during police raids on homes in Beit Hanina. They were identified as Salama Ghaith Ahmed Ghaith Bahjat Masoud and Kareem Abu Taa’ah.

Another young man called Adham al-Yasini was kidnaped by an Israeli undercover unit from Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem.

Police forces also raided different homes overnight in different areas of Jerusalem with no reported arrests.

In a separate incident a Palestinian driver called Yousef Dawabsheh miraculously survived a shooting attack at dawn Monday when Jewish settlers opened fire at him as he was driving home to Duma village in southern Nablus. His car sustained material damage.

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IOF raids homes kidnaps several Palestinians in W. Bank and J’lem

Thursday 29-August-2019

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Thursday raided homes and kidnaped several citizens during their campaigns in different areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

The Israeli army claimed in a statement that its forces arrested 20 wanted Palestinians in the West Bank.

According to local sources the IOF kidnaped five citizens from their homes in the towns of Yatta and Surif towns in al-Khali province.

In Bethlehem the IOF kidnaped two young men identified as Hussein Masalmeh and Suleiman al-Ajouz after ransacking their homes in Azza refugee camp.

The IOF also raided homes in al-Khader town in Bethlehem with no reported arrests.

Seven citizens were reportedly kidnaped from their homes in Ya’bad town south of Jenin.

In Jerusalem a young girl identified as Mais Abu Ghoush a media student at Birzeit University was taken prisoner during an IOF campaign in Qalandiya refugee camp.

The IOF also stormed Issawiya district and al-Ram town in Jerusalem and kidnaped a young man and a teenager from their homes.

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IOF raids homes kidnaps several Palestinians in W. Bank and J’lem

Wednesday 19-December-2018

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) last night and at dawn Wednesday carried out widespread arrest campaigns in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

According to different news reports. The Israeli police kidnapped 15 Palestinian citizens including ex-detainees and summoned five others for interrogation during dawn raids on homes in Issawiya district in Jerusalem.

The IOF also stormed homes in some neighborhoods of Nablus city including al-Ma’ajeen area where one of martyr Ashraf Na’alwa’s sisters lives. No arrests have been reported during those raids.

Similar raids on homes mostly belonging to relatives of martyr Na’alwa also took place in Shuweika suburb in Tulkarem.

Meanwhile two young men identified as Obada al-Kharraz and Rashid Daraghmeh were taken prisoners during raids on their homes in Tubas city.

Another young man called Diyab Bisharat was rounded up during an IOF campaign in Tammun town near Tubas.

The IOF also stormed at dawn Jenin refugee camp ransacked homes and kidnapped four citizens which provoked violent clashes with local youths.

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