Fri 20-September-2024

IOF seizes tiles worth 100000 shekels in Nablus

Wednesday 20-February-2019

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday appropriated a large quantity of tiles from a Palestinian-owned site in al-Mass’awdiya area northwest of Nablus city in the West Bank.

Manager of the site Khaled Tamim reported that Israeli soldiers and officials from the civil administration of the Israeli army stormed the area and confiscated 4000 square meters of tiles worth 100000 shekels at the pretext that the site was located in the Israeli-controlled Area C of the West Bank.

Soldiers and military officials raided the site last Thursday and verbally ordered Tamimi to remove the tiles but they returned on Sunday and gave Tamimi 24 hours to evacuate the site. However Tamimi said he was only able to remove 2000 square meters out of the 6000 tiles there.

The tiles which belong to a Palestinian citizens called Mohamed Salem from the Bizzariya village were transferred to the illegal settlement of Beit El in the central West Bank.

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