Sat 6-July-2024

IOF suppresses Kafr Qaddum weekly protest

Friday 26-November-2021

The Israel occupation forces (IOF) suppressed on Friday the weekly anti-occupation protest in Kafr Qaddum town in Qalqilia.

Four people were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets while dozens others suffered from tear-gas inhalation during the clashes.

Medical sources affirmed that the IOF soldiers showered the protesters with tear-gas bombs.

For many years villagers from Kafr Qaddum and neighboring villages have been protesting every Friday against illegal Israeli settlements. They also organize the protests to pressure the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) to reopen the village’s main road which has been closed by the IOA since 2002.

750000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements across Occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of the international law.

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