Sat 21-September-2024

IOF threatens to raze cemetery agricultural structures in W. Bank

Wednesday 16-February-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) handed on Wednesday the local Palestinian authorities in Idhna town west of al-Khalil a stop-work and demolition order against a cemetery.

Senior official of the Idhna municipality Abdul-Rahman Tamizi said that his municipality received a military notice ordering a halt to any work in the Awwad Family cemetery and threatening to bulldoze it.

Tamizi added that the Israeli army justified the measure by claiming that the cemetery is located near the separation wall in the west of the town.

In a separate incident the Israeli army notified Palestinian citizens on the same day of its intent to demolish agricultural structures belonging to them in Atouf village southeast of Tubas.

Chief of the local village council Abdullah Bisharat said that the IOF notified villagers of its intent to raze a 500-cubic-meter water pool and a store both used for agricultural purposes as well as a mobile home.

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