Mon 8-July-2024

IOF troops arrest 60 Palestinians within two days

Wednesday 10-January-2007

RAMALLAH (PIC)– IOF soldiers rounded up 60 Palestinians within the past couple of days in various West Bank cities villages and refugee camps while more were arrested on Wednesday according to local and Hebrew sources.

An IOF spokesman announced on Wednesday that his soldiers arrested 30 Palestinians overnight Tuesday for alleged affiliation with Hamas Islamic Jihad and AMB. He added that the arrests were made in the cities of Bethlehem Jericho Al-Khalil Ramallah Nablus and Jenin.

IOF troops had kidnapped a similar number of Palestinians overnight Monday mostly alleged members of the Hamas Movement including Abdul Qaher Surur the bureau chief of detained PLC speaker Dr. Aziz Duwaik.

IOF soldiers round Palestinian West Bankers on daily basis especially at the early morning hours or in pre-dawn raids after breaking into their homes and terrorizing their inhabitants.

On Wednesday three Hamas cadres were arrested in Asira village to the north of Nablus city while three others including two brothers affiliated with Islamic Jihad were arrested in Silat Al-Harthiya west of Jenin.

In Qalqilia the IOF campaign went into its third day running targeting the capture of resistance fighters.

A Palestinian security source told PIC that seven army jeeps burst into Kfar Saba suburb and encircled a number of homes in a bid to arrest the resistance fighter Samir Dhiab but failed.

Another IOF unit however arrested Mohammed Al-Hotari after storming his family home.

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