Sun 6-October-2024

IOF troops invade Tulkarem dozens of times last week

Monday 11-August-2008

RAMALLAH (PIC)– Concurrently with the withdrawal of PA security elements from the streets the IOF troops carried out day and night dozens of incursions into the Tulkarem city during the past week where they kidnapped Palestinian citizens and confiscated and sabotaged private property.

According to local sources and eyewitnesses the incursions included establishing barriers and checkpoints ransacking homes shooting citizens confiscating cars and destroying others.

Unprecedentedly a large number of IOF troops stormed the city and smashed more than 20 cars at once in broad daylight belonging to Palestinian citizens without reason.

The last Israeli assault was on a popular vegetable market where Israeli armored vehicles stormed last Saturday the market amid intensive gunfire driving over sellers’ stalls and destroying everything on their way and withdrew leaving a trail of damage behind them.

The thing which arouses the indignation of Palestinian citizens is that the PA security elements hide in their headquarters when the IOF troops invade the city and show their muscles against citizens on the streets after their withdrawal.

In a new development the PA security apparatuses kidnapped during the past 24 hours seven Palestinian citizens affiliated with Hamas in the cities of Tulkarem Al-Khalil and Jenin while dozens kidnapped weeks ago are still in West Bank jails.

The PA intelligence transferred prisoner Mohamed Kuleibi affiliated with the Islamic Jihad to hospital after being subjected to excruciating torture in its jails.

Palestinian sources affiliated with the Hamas Movement reported that the PA security apparatuses in the Bethlehem governorate southern West Bank are still detaining seven of the Movement’s cadres without charge.

The sources said that the PA intelligence has been detaining Mohamed Malash 25 in the Jericho prison for more than nine months without being charged or brought to trial and without considering the poor health condition of his mother who suffers from cancer.

The sources pointed that the prisoners are subjected to harsh investigation in the PA intelligence jails.

The Fatah-affiliated preventive security in Ramallah has also been detaining eight Palestinian citizens including teachers and ex-detainees in Israeli jails in the city for many weeks without leveling any charge against them.

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