Mon 8-July-2024

IOF troops kidnap Hamas leader in West Bank

Tuesday 23-January-2007

JENIN (PIC)– The IOF troops have kidnapped Monday Hamas’ political leader and prominent figure in Jenin city Sheikh Ibrahim Taher Nawahdheh 42 who was on way home before being arrested at the Attara ckechpoint north of Ramallah city.

Family of Nawahdheh confirmed the arrest of their father adding that the Israeli soldiers manning the checkpoint stopped the car the Sheikh was boarding and asked those on board to present their IDs before identifying the Sheikh and informing him of the arrest order.

Nawahdheh spent around ten years in Israeli jails at the backdrop of false Israeli allegations that he was one of Qassam Brigades’ commanders and accused him of being behind the capture of IOF serviceman Nasim Toledano in 1993.

Ten more Palestinian citizens were also apprehended at the hands of IOF troops in different parts of the West Bank in clear IOF troops’ escalation of atrocities against Palestinian citizens in the West Bank. The Hebrew radio confirmed the arrests alleging that those arrested were resistance activists.


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