Fri 20-September-2024

IOF troops round up 14 Palestinian West Bankers

Thursday 14-December-2006

NABLUS (PIC)– IOF troops rounded up 11 Palestinian West Bankers at an early hour Thursday in a concerted arrest campaign in the districts of Nablus Bethlehem and Qalqilia locals reported.

Three of those arrested were captured in Balata refugee camp east of Nablus city including two brothers while two others were rounded up in Asker refugee camp also east of Nablus.

In Bethlehem three Palestinians were arrested in Asakra village south of Bethlehem city after imposing strict security measures on the town.

IOF soldiers arrested three Palestinians in Qalqilia district one in the city itself and two in Ezbat Al-Tayeb village.

The IOF troops daily arrest Palestinians in the West Bank in a bid to thwart resistance attacks according to their command’s claims.

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