Fri 5-July-2024

IOF troops round up 18 Palestinians overnight Qassam missiles slam Sderot

Monday 20-November-2006

Nazareth – IOF troops rounded up 18 Palestinians in various West Bank areas overnight Sunday in line with their daily arrest campaigns of West Bank Palestinians according to an IOF spokesman.

He said that the campaign focused on the districts of Jenin Nablus Ramallah and Al-Khalil adding that ten of them were suspected members of Hamas Movement.

The IOF unit which was launching the arrest campaign in Nablus came under resistance fire the spokesman said adding that an explosive device was also hurled at the unit but claimed that no casualties were reported.

In the Gaza Strip the Qassam Brigades armed wing of the Hamas Movement on Monday unleashed a salvo of six locally made Qassam missiles at the Israeli settlement of Sderot to the north of the Strip in two batches.

The armed wing also said that a group of its fighters detected a special IOF force while trying to infiltrate into Beit Hanun to the north of the Strip and fired Al-Yassin anti-armored projectile against it along with machinegun fire that forced the unit members to retreat after midnight Sunday.

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