Wed 3-July-2024

IOF troops wreak havoc in Palestinian village

Sunday 3-December-2006

Jenin – IOF troops stormed the village of Yabad Jenin district at a late hour Saturday night firing live bullets sonic and teargas canisters at civilians and destroying a number of vehicles locals reported.

They said that the soldiers mounting five army vehicles entered the village from the eastern and southern flanks before firing at young men who threw stones at them.

The sources noted that three women were hospitalized after inhaling the teargas while tens were accorded field treatment.

Soldiers smashed the window shields of ten cars and arrested a baker then released him after beating him up.

Meanwhile the Palestinian prisoner’s club said that IOF troops rounded up 98 Palestinians in the district of Bethlehem alone in the past month of November.

The legal society noted that the escalating arrest campaign in Bethlehem and other West Bank districts coincided with the talk about an imminent prisoners’ exchange deal between the Hebrew state and the Palestinian factions capturing an Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip.

The report underlined almost all those captured were liable to beatings and harassment at the hands of the IOF soldiers during their arrest and interrogation.

The PLC chairmanship issued a statement in this regard denouncing the IOF cruel measures against Palestinian prisoners.

It demanded the immediate intervention of the world community human rights organizations and the Red Cross to halt such atrocities and to extend badly needed medical treatment to the sick detainees.

Israeli military sources on Sunday for their part said that a Palestinian resistance missile slammed into the western Negev from the Gaza Strip causing no casualties or damage.

They said that the missile firing was in violation of the truce reached a week ago ignoring the IOF soldiers repeated violation of that truce in the West Bank and twice in the Gaza Strip over the same period.


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