Sun 22-September-2024

IOF wreaks havoc on Khirbet Ibziq hamlet displacing its residents

Wednesday 4-August-2021

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning stormed Khirbet Ibziq hamlet in the northern Jordan Valley and carried out large-scale demolitions of homes and property.

Local official Moataz Bisharat said that the IOF using bulldozers and truck-mounted cranes started at 06:00 am to destroy everything in the hamlet including crude homes cattle sheds water tanks and solar panels.

Bisharat added that the IOF also confiscated an agricultural tractor and a private car from the hamlet.

According to human rights group B’Tselem scores of farming-shepherding communities which are home to thousands of Palestinians dot the 60 percent of the occupied West Bank designated as Area C.

For decades the Israeli occupation authority has pursued a demolition and displacement policy aimed at driving out these communities by making their living conditions intolerable in an attempt to force the residents to leave as a prelude to taking over these areas in a de-facto annexation that would facilitate actual annexation to Israel later if any final agreement was brokered with the Palestinian Authority.

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