Mon 8-July-2024

IPA allows visits to kidnapped MPs only while shackled

Tuesday 9-January-2007

JENIN (PIC)– The Israeli prisons authority (IPA) allowed family visits to kidnapped Palestinian MPs only while shackled a matter which they refused and did not meet their visitors.

Wife of MP Khaled Sa’eed said that the IPA prevented her husband along with the two deputies Khaled Yehya and Ibrahim Dahbour from receiving their visitors unless they were handcuffed citing “security pretexts”.

The three PLC members refused and demanded to be treated similar to other prisoners other than describing the matter as humiliating to them in their capacity as elected deputies of the people she said adding that they charged the IPA with intentionally humiliating their rights and dignity.

The MPs asked all local and international legal institutions to raise the question of their detention at all platforms since they have entered their seventh month in captivity without any charge being leveled against them.

In a related development the Israeli intelligence in Ofer jail on Tuesday arrested Abdul Qaher Surur the PLC speaker Dr. Aziz Duwaik’s bureau chief while reporting to the intelligence office.

PLC sources said that Surur was arrested along with three of his brothers who were released later but he was kept interned.

IOF troops earlier Tuesday stormed Surur’s home in Na’lin village west of Ramallah and threatened to arrest his old sick father if he did not report to the intelligence office.

Surur 35 was appointed in his post in February last year. He has an MA in democracy and human rights. He was the target of regular harassment at the hands of the Israeli occupation authority that recently blocked his travel to Switzerland to attend a training course for parliament staffers.

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