Sat 29-June-2024

Indonesia denies news about normalizing with Israel

Wednesday 16-December-2020

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denied the recent press reports about a supposed normalization plan between Indonesia and Israel.

Teuku Faizasyah the spokesman of the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry said on Tuesday “There are two things that I can say regarding this issue. First the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has never been in contact with Israel. Second the ministry is supporting Palestine as part of its duties and in compliance with the mandate of the constitution” according to the Berita Satu website.

Israel Hayom a Hebrew newspaper reported that senior officials in an Islamic country that does not have diplomatic relations with Israel arrived two weeks ago in Tel Aviv and met with Israeli officials. It noted that the delegation of the Muslim country which is Asian was headed by the senior advisor to the president of that country.

“The background of the visit is the possibility of normalizing relations between the two sides as happened with other countries in recent months and for security and political reasons it is not allowed to publish the name of the state and the details of the visitors” Israel Hayom added.

According to the newspaper the discussion with this Islamic state is part of a series of Israeli agreements for normalization with Arab and Islamic countries that began in recent weeks. The first country to announce normalization with Israel was the United Arab Emirates followed by Bahrain and later Sudan.

Last week Morocco announced normalizing relations with Israel and said that it will soon sign cooperation agreements between the two sides.

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