Fri 20-September-2024

Infant among citizens injured in settlers’ attack in al-Khalil

Sunday 24-November-2019

A horde of Jewish settlers on Saturday evening attacked Palestinian citizens and Red Crescent crews in Tel Rumeida neighborhood in the Old City of al-Khalil.

According to local sources an infant was injured in his head with a stone and four citizens suffered from their exposure to pepper spray when settlers attacked local residents in Tel Rumeida.

Israeli soldiers provided protection for the settlers who attacked several homes belonging to the family of Abu Shamsiya.

Imad Abu Shamsiya told Anadolu news agency that his grandson aged one year and a half was injured in his head after his home in the neighborhood were showered with stones and empty bottles by settlers.

He added that his grandson was transferred later to al-Khalil Hospital for medical assistance.

The Red Crescent for its part said that its crews were assaulted by the same settlers as they were trying to provide first aid for the wounded citizens.

The Palestinian citizens in the West Bank are exposed to repeated assaults by Jewish settlers who are protected by the Israeli occupation forces.

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