Sat 6-July-2024

Injuries reported in IOF quelling of peaceful march in Nabi Saleh

Saturday 13-January-2018

Two Palestinians were wounded on Saturday by Israeli rubber bullets while dozens of others choked on tear gas after Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) cracked down on Palestinian participants of a peaceful march in Nabi Saleh town to the north of Ramallah.

The rally aimed at protesting the US recognition of Occupied Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and at refusing the Israeli repeated offensives against the town.

Basem al-Tamimi. Activist of Nabi Saleh said that IOF soldiers quelled the march and brutally suppressed the protesters using rubber bullets and tear gas grenades. As a result two youths were injured by rubber bullets and were transferred to the hospital. Meanwhile many others suffered suffocation due to breathing Israeli tear gas.

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