Sat 6-July-2024

Injuries reported in Israeli quelling of Nilin weekly march

Friday 10-March-2017

A Palestinian minor was shot and injured by a rubber bullet after Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Friday afternoon violently attacked the weekly march staged in Nilin town west of Ramallah against Israel’s segregation wall and settlement. A number of Palestinians along with foreign solidarity activists choked on tear gas as well.

The march kicked off after Friday prayer and headed to the separation wall. Participants raised the Palestinian flag and chanted slogans that demanded dismantling the wall and ending Israeli occupation.

Local sources said that the IOF soldiers showered the participants in the march with tear gas and rubber bullets resulting in cases of suffocation among the marchers and the injury of a 14-year-old boy with a rubber bullet in his foot. He was treated in the field the sources pointed out.

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