Fri 25-October-2024

Iraq Bourin a Palestinian village lacking security

Tuesday 7-March-2017

Iraq Bourin is a Palestinian village located southwest of the West Bank city of Nablus over a very high cliff with a unique geographical location compared to the rest of the West Bank villages.

Head of Iraq Bourin council Maher Qadan revealed that the name of the village comes from its distinctive geographical site since the word Iraq means a high place and its people came from Bourin another West Bank village. They settled in Iraq Bourin very long years ago for agriculture and livestock farming he pointed out.

The total area of the village is estimated at 6000 dunums and its population is about 1000. 40% of its lands are located within the Israeli-controlled Area C in accordance with Oslo Accords. The rest of its territories are classified as Area A and Area B. It is famous for olive almond and grape trees. Besides its wonderful location and fantastic view it has an old town and several relics.

Attacks by settlers
The people of Iraq Bourin village complain a lot about settlers’ attacks especially by settlers of Bracha settlement who every now and then grab more of the village’s land. Israeli army prevents the village farmers from accessing their territories which are close to the settlement unless prior coordination is made. They allow access to the land for only two days in the olives harvest season.

Iraq Bourin has poor infrastructure with a sharp water shortage due to the cut off of water service most of the week days. A water line net was extended from Nablus city to the village last year. However a water tank is still needed in order to compensate the shortage. It got a dependent village council a year ago; before that it was connected to the nearby town of Tel.

The village has one school for children until the tenth grade. The students then have to continue their education in Nablus schools.

The families of the village have been asking the Health Ministry to provide them with a health clinic since they have a poor health service. The sick people especially of chronic diseases have to travel to Nablus city and the nearby villages in order to receive health care.

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