Thu 19-September-2024

Iraqi gunmen kidnap two Palestinians in Baghdad

Wednesday 22-November-2006

Baghdad – A Palestinian engineer and a merchant who reside in Iraq along with thousands others of Palestinian refugees since their forced immigration from Palestine back in 1948 at the hands of Jewish armed gangs were kidnapped in central Baghdad at the hands of a group of armed men Palestinian refugees reported.

A group of armed men kidnapped the merchant Abdul Rahman Ashur in central Baghdad on Tuesday and took him to an unknown location. They phoned his relatives demanding a quarter of a million dollars ransom in return for his freedom Palestinian sources said.

They added that a father and his son were abducted a couple of days earlier in the Iraqi capital at the hands of armed assailants while the father was driving his son to school. The kidnappers released the son and retained the father whose fate is still unknown.

Iraqi reports said that around 60 Palestinian families were forced to evacuate their dwellings in Baladiyat residential compound east of Baghdad and Doura residential complex south of Baghdad.

Iraqi armed militias routinely attack Palestinian places of residences and threaten them with death if they did not leave their homes.

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