Sat 5-October-2024

Irish MPs call for suing Israel over war crimes

Wednesday 12-April-2017

Palestinian and Irish lawmakers have agreed on the need to prosecute Israeli leaders at international courts for committing war crimes against Palestinian citizens.

This came during a joint meeting held through Skype service on Tuesday between friends of Palestine at the Irish Parliament and Palestinian MPs from Gaza.

The two sides discussed Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians including its blockade on Gaza its apartheid policies and its daily violations against the holy sites.

During the online conversation MP Mahmoud al-Zahhar head of Hamas’s Change and Reform Parliamentary Bloc highlighted the Palestinian people’s right to defend themselves and liberate the land and holy sites affirming that “defending the rights cannot be terrorism as Israel claims.”

Zahhar hailed the Irish positions in support of the Palestinian cause and urged the MPs in Ireland to be ambassadors for the Palestinians and clarify their suffering from the occupation during their participation in international meetings and conferences.

For his part MP Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council said the Palestinian people had made a lot of sacrifices in order to obtain freedom and independence.

Bahar applauded the meeting with Irish lawmakers and their support for the Palestinian cause.

For their part members of the Irish Parliament expressed their ongoing support for the Palestinian people especially those in Gaza and called for necessarily healing the rift in the Palestinian arena and restoring unity.

They emphasized the need to reach international courts through the UN to take legal action against Israel and reiterated their readiness to cooperate in this regard.

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