Fri 25-October-2024

Islamic Jihad: Gazans will not allow siege to be a fait accompli

Tuesday 11-August-2020

The Islamic Jihad has affirmed that the population in Gaza and their resistance will never allow the Israeli blockade to turn into a fait accompli and destiny imposed on them.

“The noble Gaza with all its willpower will not surrender under the impact of siege and aggression” Islamic Jihad spokesman Dawoud Shehab said in a press release on Tuesday commenting on the Israeli decision to ban entry of building materials into Gaza.

Spokesman Shebah described the Israeli decision and its restrictions on Gaza as aggressive policies that will not break the Palestinian national steadfastness and the Palestinian people’s fortitude.

“The whole world must realize that the Palestinian people are able to turn the table in the face of the siege and aggression plots and will never trade an iota of soil from their sacred homeland for their right to a free and dignified life or for any of their inalienable rights” the spokesman said.

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Tuesday decided to shut down the Karam Abu Salem border crossing the sole commercial passage from and into Gaza until further notice.

The IOA claimed the measure was taken in response to the launch of several balloons carrying incendiaries and explosives towards Israeli areas around Gaza in recent days.

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