Fri 20-September-2024

Israel confiscates demolishes Palestinian facilities in O. J’lem

Tuesday 2-January-2018

Israeli police confiscated Tuesday morning a Palestinian-owned store in Wadi al-Hilweh neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem’s town of Silwan under the pretext of public utility.

Israeli police forces stormed the neighborhood in the early morning hours accompanied with municipal crews and violently broke into a local store owned by Abdul Mohammed Abu Hadwan.

According to the PIC field reporter Israeli forces started demolishing toilets in the confiscated store.

Family sources affirmed that the store was built 40 years ago however; Israeli officials prevented them from using it anymore.

Israeli police prevented local residents from approaching the area the sources added.

Meanwhile Israeli bulldozers demolished a shed owned by the local resident Umar al-Qaq from Silwan town.

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