Sat 21-September-2024

Israel demolishes Palestinian facilities in Occupied Jerusalem

Tuesday 30-November-2021

Israeli police forces demolished on Monday a number of Palestinian-owned facilities in Occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli municipal crews along with military bulldozers stormed Palestinian commercial facilities owned by Owaidah family in Beit Hanina town north of the occupied city under Israeli police protection.

The municipal crews claimed that the notified facilities are built on a land owned by Jewish settlers and gave Owaidah family only two hours to evacuate the stores before the demolition process.

However the land’s owner Majed Oweida affirmed that he bought the 200-sq-m land in 2004.

In 2009 Israeli authorities claimed the settlers’ ownership of the land and issued a confiscation order.

Over the past years Oweida has appealed against the municipal confiscation order and succeeded to obtain a court’s order to temporarily stop the demolition process pending a final court order.

However Israeli forces demolished the facilities despite the court’s order.

Along the same line Israeli occupation authorities demolished a Palestinian-owned agricultural facility in the town of Anata northeast of occupied Jerusalem.

An Israeli court recently issued a decision to demolish 84 homes in the Wadi Yasul neighborhood of Silwan.

The policy of systematically demolishing homes and expelling residents aims to empty Silwan of Palestinians an important neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem due to its proximity to al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Israeli occupation authorities are pursuing various forms of harassment against the Jerusalemite population as a means of forcing them to leave this religiously-significant city thereby leaving it clear for the expansion of settlements.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory had documented the Israeli army’s demolition of 698 buildings in and the displacement of 949 Palestinians from “Area C” of the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem in 2021 so far.

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