Fri 20-September-2024

Israel demolishes Palestinian house in O. J’lem

Tuesday 7-August-2018

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Tuesday morning a Palestinian-owned house in Shufat town to the north of occupied Jerusalem.

Local sources reported that Israeli forces demolished the house for allegedly built without Israeli permit.

More than 5000 Palestinian houses were demolished in occupied Jerusalem since 1967 leaving homeless thousamds of people.

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Israel demolishes Palestinian house in O. J’lem

Wednesday 20-June-2018

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Wednesday morning a Palestinian-owned house in the village of Qalandia to the north of the occupied Jerusalem.

The local journalist Mahmoud Awadallah reported that Israeli forces accompanied by two bulldozers raided the village and proceeded to demolish the two-room house.

Nearby trees were also uprooted during the demolition process he added.

The house was demolished despite an Israeli court ruling banning its demolition Awadallah underlined.

20 Palestinian buildings in the village are also threatened with demolition for being allegedly built without Israeli permit.

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