Sat 5-October-2024

Israel forces Palestinian to demolish his home

Sunday 3-February-2019

The Israeli authorities have ordered a Palestinian citizen to demolish his home in Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem.

Local sources said that the Israeli authorities forced Majd Abu Tayeh to destroy his own home on Saturday under the pretext of being unlicensed.

Israel’s Jerusalem municipality staff stormed Abu Tayeh’s home on Wednesday and gave him a half-hour time limit to demolish the house. Following contacts with the lawyer the time limit was extended until Sunday but Abu Tayeh demolished the house on Saturday.

The Israeli authorities force the Palestinians in Jerusalem to demolish their own homes under various pretexts like the lack of Israeli building permits. Otherwise the municipality will carry out the demolition and the Palestinians will have to pay steep fines.

House demolition campaigns fall in line with a larger Israeli plan to change the demographic profile of Jerusalem.

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