Sat 6-July-2024

Israel forces Palestinian to demolish his home in Jerusalem

Wednesday 30-October-2019

Israel’s Jerusalem municipality on Tuesday morning ordered the Palestinian citizen Luay Obeid to demolish his own home in al-Isawiya village northeast of Jerusalem.

Obeid’s father said that the Israeli municipality crews stormed the village in the early morning hours and ordered him to demolish his home. Otherwise the municipality would carry out the demolition and force him to pay a high fine.

He added that the home built on an area of 130 square meters is still under construction.

He said that the Israeli occupation authorities had repeatedly phoned his son to pressure him to demolish the home noting that his son hired a lawyer to appeal against the demolition order a move that was rejected by Israeli courts.

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Israel forces Palestinian to demolish his home in Jerusalem

Tuesday 16-April-2019

The Israeli authorities on Monday forced a Palestinian citizen to demolish his home in Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center said that Awad al-Abbasi demolished his own house which was under construction in Sweih neighborhood in Silwan.

The center said that al-Abbasi had received a notice from the Israeli-controlled Jerusalem municipality ordering him to demolish the house under the pretext of being unlicensed.

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Israel forces Palestinian to demolish his home in Jerusalem

Wednesday 19-September-2018

Israel’s Jerusalem municipality has ordered the Palestinian citizen Fadi Shawamreh to demolish his own family house in Beit Hanina town north of Occupied Jerusalem.

Shawamreh told Quds Press on Wednesday that Israeli authorities demolished a house he owned in 2004 and he rebuilt it in 2006. He added that Jerusalem municipality has lately claimed his new house is unlicensed.

The house built on an area of 180 square meters is a home to 14 members according to Shawamreh who affirmed that he owns the land.

He said that municipality crews broke into his house on Monday and told his wife that the house must be demolished completely. Shawamreh will start the demolition on Thursday.

Palestinians living in Occupied Jerusalem are often forced to demolish their own homes. Those who do not abide by the orders are usually subjected to steep fines.

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Israel forces Palestinian to demolish his home in Jerusalem

Monday 10-September-2018

Israel’s Jerusalem municipality on Monday ordered Palestinian citizen Ahmad Abu al-Tin to demolish his own family house in al-Walaja village.

Local sources told the PIC reporter that the municipality claimed Abu al-Tin’s house was built without license which is the same pretext used by Israel to force Palestinians in Jerusalem to leave the city.

Israeli bulldozers demolished part of the house last week and the family was later ordered to complete the demolition.

Palestinians living in Occupied Jerusalem are often forced to demolish their own homes. Those who do not abide by the orders are usually subjected to steep fines.

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