Sat 21-September-2024

Israel former intelligence chief: Netanyahu likely to wage war

Tuesday 27-February-2018

Former director of the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet) said that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might wage a war to cover up his multiple corruption scandals.

Asked whether he thought a war was brewing in order to cover for the current condition of the prime minister Gilon did not immediately rule it out.

“Crazy things have happened before. When I look at the Israeli political arena as it’s unfolding these days I see people who have decided to surrender their integrity and shirk the public responsibility placed on their shoulders in favor of political survival” he said urging the coalition partners to find a new leader to be prime minister from within their ranks.

“In his current position with four criminal investigations hanging around his neck like a noose Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer fit to make critical decisions” charged Carmi Gilon who served as the head of Israel’s internal security agency between 1995-1996.

“I have had a chance to see former prime ministers make decisions and send soldiers to their deaths in battle and appreciate how grave their decisions can be” Gilon said in an interview to Radio 103 FM. “Such decisions must be made with full focus and I don’t believe he can do that at this time.”

Netanyahu his wife and several of his close aides and advisors are under investigation for a string of corruption cases with two close former associates already signing on as state witnesses for the prosecution.

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