Sun 7-July-2024

Israel gov’t to honor extremist rabbi calling for killing non-Jews

Monday 5-August-2019

The Israeli government intends to honor an extremistrabbi who has applauded the killing of non-Jews especially the Muslims andPalestinians.

According to Haaretz newspaper education minister RabbiRafi Peretz and transportation minister Bezalel Smotrich will honor rabbi YitzchakGinsburgh who praised the 1994 massacre in al-Khalil city and was previouslycharged with inciting racism.

The ministers will speak at a Thursday event duringwhich a prize will be awarded to Ginsburgh.

The US-born rabbi is known for publishing a pamphletpraising the actions of terrorist Baruch Goldstein who in 1994 carried out themassacre at the Ibrahimi Mosque in which he killed 29 Muslims and injureddozens as they were praying.

Ginsburgh is also among the rabbis who endorsed thebook “The King’s Torah” which discusses circumstances in which Jews may killnon-Jews according to Jewish law.

The prize will be awarded under the auspices of aninstitution called the “Cathedra for Torah and Wisdom” which receive financialsupport from the education ministry’s department for Jewish culture.

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