Mon 16-September-2024

Israel razes Araqib village in Negev for 107th time

Friday 23-December-2016

The Israeli authorities on Thursday demolished al-Araqib village in the Negev desert for the 107th consecutive time.

The same village which Israel refuses to recognize had been demolished on November 30.

Local activist Khaled Abu Kharma said that Israeli bulldozers escorted by an Israeli police force stormed the village and forced the Bedouin residents to leave their crude homes before embarking on demolishing everything including livestock shelters.

At the same time the Israeli authorities demolished a home in the nearby village of Bir Haddaj village belonging to the family of al-Azazima as well as other structures used to keep cattle.

Similar demolitions happened in another nearby village called Wadi al-Niam where Israeli municipal officials and policemen uprooted trees as well.

The Israeli authorities also confiscated 80 sheep heads belonging to Khamis al-Tarrabin in the Negev during its demolition campaign.

Israel started targeting al-Araqib village with demolitions in 2010 along with filing several lawsuits against the residents and imposing huge financial penalties on them.

After every demolition the villagers managed to restore their lives with help from activists who provide them with tents.

Al-Araqib is one of dozens of Bedouin villages in the Negev considered “unrecognized” by Israel. More than half of nearly 160000 Negev Bedouins live in unrecognized villages.

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