Mon 16-September-2024

Israel razes two apartments in J’lem displaces family

Thursday 5-January-2017

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Wednesday demolished two apartments in Beit Hanina town northeast of Occupied Jerusalem and failed to carry out a demolition order against a house in Budrus town northwest of Ramallah in the West Bank.

Over 50 border soldiers stormed al-Ashqariya neighborhood in Beit Hanina at dawn encircled the apartments and ordered the families who live there to evacuate them immediately.

Yaser Musalema said that he and 15 of his family members were forced to stay out in the cold and rainy weather after Israeli bulldozers knocked down their apartments.

“The Jerusalemite citizens are targeted in all aspects of their lives through imposing taxes and not giving them construction permits” Musalema complained.

In Ramallah Palestinian citizens were able later on the same day to frustrate an Israeli plan to demolish a house in Budrus town after they gathered inside and around it.

Head of the Budrus municipal authority Mohamed Khaled explained that officials from the civil administration of the Israeli army escorted by soldiers came to the town with a bulldozer to destroy the house of Issa Abdul-Karim.

Khaled said that dozens of local residents rallied inside and outside the house and stood up in the face of the soldiers.

The soldiers tried to disperse the citizens by showering them with tear gas grenades but they failed and had to withdraw from the town without demolishing the house the official added.

He affirmed that the IOA tried to demolish the house without notifying the owner about that in advance.

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