Wed 3-July-2024

Israel refuses to allow PA to build road in Area C for Rawabi city

Saturday 30-September-2017

The US administration allegedly asked Israel recently to give the Palestinian Authority jurisdiction to construct a road in Area C leading to the new Palestinian Rawabi city near Ramallah.

According to the Hebrew news website this US request practically means the transfer of limited regulatory powers in the Israeli-controlled Area C of the West Bank to the PA for the first time since the signing of the Oslo accords in 1993.

A request to construct or expand a road for the Rawabi city was tabled during the Israeli security cabinet meeting that was held a few days ago. The ministers discussed the possibility of providing gestures of economic goodwill for the Palestinians prior to the US envoy’s upcoming Middle East tour.

An informed official source told Walla that the request was completely rejected because it included the transfer of regulatory powers to the Palestinians in Area C.

The source added that the request was treated as a Palestinian attempt to enter Area C and make a political achievement under the guise of civil initiatives.

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