Sat 5-October-2024

Israel’s land grab policy in full swing in Salfit

Sunday 19-March-2017

Israeli bulldozers on Sunday morning continued to raze Palestinian land tracts across Salfit governorate in favor of illegal settlement expansion.

Speaking to the PIC local farmers said the Israeli bulldozers leveled Palestinian lands near illegal settlement outposts.

Palestinian lands in and outside Leshem outpost near Deir Balout Kafr al-Deek Rafat and al-Zawiya have also been bulldozed in the process.

Researcher Khaled Maali said the move makes part of Israeli attempts to grab more Palestinian lands in the Israel-run Area C.

Maali further warned of the swift pace of Israel’s settlement activity in Salfit in an attempt to prop up geopolitical ties between 25 outposts built on Palestinian land in the area.

He added that the move is expected to culminate in a settlement strip stretching from Zaatara checkpoint east of Salfit to Kafr Kasem in 1948 Occupied Palestine (Green Line). A railway connecting Tel Aviv to the second largest West Bank outpost of Ariel is also expected to be set up in the process.

According to Maali another repercussion of the plan lies in the confiscation of the largest water basin in historical Palestine.

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