Fri 20-September-2024

Israel to build new settlement in the West Bank

Monday 9-May-2016

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– Israeli ministry of security decided to establish a new settlement close to Shilo settlement for those settlers who will be evacuated from Amona outpost. The latter will be demolished by the end of 2016 based on Israeli Supreme Court ruling in December 2014.
According to a brief statement by council of settlements in the West Bank (Yesha) the new settlement will include 139 units to house 40 families of extremist Jews and will be located between Nablus and Ramallah.

Haaretz Hebrew newspaper reported that Israeli government wants to construct the new settlement in order to satisfy the extremists and opponents of the evacuation of Amona settlement.

The newspaper said that the government had previously confiscated the land over which the new settlement will be constructed under the pretext of being located within “state property”.

Amona settlement was built in 1997 on a private land which belongs to Palestinians who waged a legal battle against the confiscation of their land over the period between 2006-2014 which was concluded by Israeli Supreme Court ruling of demolishing the settlement by 2016.

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Israel to build new settlement in the West Bank

Wednesday 27-December-2006

NAZARETH (PIC)– The Israeli war ministry has sanctioned the establishment of a new settlement to north of Jordan Valley in the West Bank in the first such step in 14 years.

Hebrew media reported that 30 houses would be built on the Palestinian lands for Israeli settlers who were evacuated from the Gaza Strip.

The head of the so-called regional council for Jordan Valley said that he received construction permits for that purpose on Monday 25/12.

This is the first time since 1992 that the Israeli government officially sanctions the construction of a new settlement in the West Bank while its policy over the past years focused on expanding the already established ones.

The PFLP was the first Palestinian party to condemn the act saying that it came in violation of international laws and displayed Israel’s disrespect of international resolutions banning any such step.

A PFLP spokesman said in a press release that the Israeli growing colonization of Jerusalem and the West Bank reveals falsehood of American-Zionist plans to allow establishment of a Palestinian state which would only be a protectorate in the new Middle East championed by the USA and the Hebrew state.

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