Thu 19-September-2024

Israel to raze hundreds of Jabel Mukaber homes to build housing units

Thursday 12-January-2017

The Israeli municipal authority in Occupied Jerusalem intends to build hundreds of housing units near and in place of the house of Palestinian martyr Fadi al-Qunbar who carried out the recent vehicle-ramming operation in the city.

According to Israel’s Channel 10 website the Israeli municipality in the holy city is considering a plan to build 2500 housing units near the house of Qunbar in Jabel Mukaber neighborhood.

The website pointed out that municipal officials escorted by police forces taped warning notices to the doors of some 1600 homes in the neighborhood stating that they were built without permits and that administrative proceedings to demolish them had been instigated.

In this regard head of the Jabel Mukaber land defense committee Suleiman Matar said that these homes threatened with demolition had been built before 1967 describing the Israeli measure as “reprehensible mass punishment.”

Israel’s security cabinet has already ordered Fadi al-Qunbar’s home to be demolished after he drove his truck a few days ago into a group of Israeli soldiers in the illegal Israeli settlement of Talpiot that neighbors Jabel al-Mukaber killing four and was shot dead at the scene.

Despite their affirmation that they had no prior knowledge of his intention to carry out an attack al-Qunbar family members will be displaced by Israel’s vindictive home demolition policy which is deemed illegal under international law.

The Jerusalem residency status of al-Qunbar’s mother and 12 other of his relatives will also be revoked as part of mass punitive measures aimed at the family and the residents of Jabel Mukaber.

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