Tue 17-September-2024

Israel to turn vast area between J’lem and Dead Sea into dump

Wednesday 9-October-2019

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) intends to turn a vast tract of Palestinian land in the Khan al-Ahmar area between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea into a garbage dump.

The IOA also plans to establish a waste recycling plant in the same area according to Jerusalem affairs researcher Fakhri Abu Diyab.

Abu Diyab affirmed that the IOA plans to seize 900 of dunums of Palestinian land and expel Palestinian residents from the area in order to establish the dump and the recycling facility.

He warned that such Israeli project would have negative impacts on the environment and the health of the native population in the area.

He pointed out that about 250 to 300 trucks would unload about 3500 tons of waste every day in the area.

The researcher said he obtained such information from Israeli plans in Area C of the West Bank as well as from environmental institutions and some leftist political figures.

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