Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli Knesset postpones voting on the call to prayer

Wednesday 7-December-2016

The Israeli Knesset on Wednesday postponed for the third time voting on a draft law that prevents reciting the Adhan or Muslim call to prayer from the mosques via loudspeakers.

Ahmed Tibi an Arab member of the Knesset stated “Coalition chairman David Bitan told me that the vote for the call to prayer has been postponed.”

“I think what happened is merely a delay not a cancelation for the whole draft” Tibi added.

The reasons for the delay are not clear yet but Tibi guessed that it could be due to the divergence of views within the Israeli coalition in addition to the Israeli president Reuven Rivlin’s rejection of the law.

The Israeli media however said that the postponement came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed an amendment to the law preventing the call to prayer at all times instead of only at night.

The Israeli president last week launched efforts to abort the draft law following a request by the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

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