Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli army closes off West Bank thoroughfares

Wednesday 15-November-2017

The Israeli occupation forces at nightfall Wednesday sealed off the main access roads to Palestinian villages in the West Bank provinces of Ramallah and al-Khalil.

The occupation forces closed off the main entrance to Nabi Saleh village northwest of Ramallah following a round of clashes with Palestinian anti-occupation youths. The latter were targeted with heavy spates of live ammunition.

The closed road is the only crossing point to Bani Zeid villages and Salfit province. Dozens of Palestinian civilians have been forced to cross rock-strewn routes having no other way to reach their homes.

At the same time the Israeli patrols sealed off sand roads east of Yatta town to the south of al-Khalil province blocking Palestinians’ access out of and into the area.

According to the coordinator for the Popular Anti-Settlement Committee Rateb al-Jabour the routes serve as a joint linking Palestinian towns and residential communities south of al-Khalil.

The measures make part of routine crackdowns on Palestinians’ free movement perpetrated by the Israeli military across the occupied territories in an attempt to sever ties between the Palestinian communities.

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