Sat 5-October-2024

Israeli army cracks down on Palestinians’ free movement in Kifl Haris

Tuesday 16-October-2018

Israeli police closed off at daybreak Tuesday the main entrance to Kifl Haris town north of Salfit with a makeshift checkpoint blocking Palestinians’ free access out of and into the area.

Eye-witnesses said Israeli soldiers set up a checkpoint on the main access road to Kifl Haris and subjected Palestinians passing through the area to intensive inspection.

The Israeli forces prevented Palestinian civilians from reaching their homes and workplaces forcing hundreds to cross rock-strewn thoroughfares to reach their destinations.

Israeli military routinely close off Palestinian villages across the West Bank with flying checkpoints infringing Palestinians’ right to free movement.

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Israeli army cracks down on Palestinians’ free movement in Kifl Haris

Tuesday 18-September-2018

Israeli occupation forces on Tuesday sealed off the main entrance to Kifl Haris town with a checkpoint blocking Palestinians’ free access out of and into the area.

Eye-witnesses said Israeli soldiers deployed at the newly-pitched checkpoint searched Palestinian vehicles and inspected civilians’ identity documents.

The occupation forces cracked down on Palestinians passing through the checkpoint subjecting them to exhaustive questioning.

The Israeli military continues to violate Palestinians’ right to free movement across the occupied Palestinian territories around the clock under the security guise.

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